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Sugar Rush Page 7
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Page 7
Her mouth dropped. “Are you kidding? What kind of person do you think I am?”
He opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off.
“I do not have time to play mind games. I was stupid enough to think you were sincere when you came over here with those to-die-for cupcakes, but I can see now you just wanted to snoop around, hoping to get an edge up for the competition. I just can’t believe I fell for it. Then on top of everything else, I let you get to me with your ‘I’ve tasted all these before, years and years ago’ crap. I felt pretty bad for a while. You’ve got a knack for making people feel like they don’t measure up, but you know what? You’re going to be the one who’s sorry in the end, because we have found a new recipe, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. The judges are going to be blown away!” She panted, her frantic speech looking like it took quite the physical toll on her.
His mouth gaped and he had trouble finding a way to close it. He didn’t know whether it was because she actually thought he would do that, or because she thought the cupcakes were “to die for.”
After a long pause, he slowly shut his mouth and cleared his throat. “I’m glad you found a good recipe,” he said. “I’m sorry I bothered you.” He gave her a half-hearted smile, having no idea what his next move was.
But when he turned and walked out of the store, daring one last look back just before he lost sight of her, she was still staring.
Dulcie filled Lila in on everything the next morning as she sipped on her first cup of coffee. Dulcie was on her fourth.
Of course, she’d already been up for five hours.
“It seems to me you’re not giving this guy a fair shake.”
This was not the kind of support Dulcie expected to hear from her best friend. She blinked at her, waiting for her to take it back.
Lila rolled her eyes in her usual dramatic fashion. “Look, I was there when he supposedly ‘ripped your samples to shreds,’” she said, using the most sarcastic air quotes Dulcie had ever seen. “But what I heard was a bit different from what you thought you heard. That boy drooled all over your candies. He wouldn’t stop yapping about how he loved them and how they made a difference in his life when he was a kid or whatever.”
“He did not! He went on and on about how he’d seen this one before and that one was so old—”
“Oh my God, listen to yourself. Seriously, Dulce, sit and think about the words he used exactly.”
So she did. She remembered them very well, in fact.
“Now take into account that you asked for his opinion.”
She nodded. “Yeah, so?”
“And he is also totally into you and wants to help. I mean, what was he supposed to say? Even you knew the stuff we made wasn’t right for the competition, but he couldn’t come out and say that. He doesn’t want to upset you. Geez Dulce, do you not even see the way the fool looks at you?”
Dulcie’s head shot back. The entire night of taste testing flooded into her mind again. The way Nick looked while he was eating her candies, a little like Grams first thing in the morning with her daily box of sweets. And he’d brought over those to-die-for cupcakes to try to apologize…
Then last night he’d come to congratulate her, but she’d been in such a bad mood thinking about the shop and Jess and everything.
Oh crap, what had she done?
Lila was right; he had talked about how much he loved the candies. Cripes, he’d snuck to their store in the middle of the day to taste their treats, even when candy galore must have awaited him when he got home.
Wait…did he think theirs were better than his?
He had wandered around the kitchen a little bit in awe of everything.
She shook her head. Now she was really being crazy.
“Ah, methinks she’s starting to get it,” Lila said, studying Dulcie, her eyes sparkling.
Dulcie’s mind sped back over the times she’d been with Nick, trying to go through it like Lila would—as an observer.
“Shit,” Dulcie said under her breath, embarrassed she hadn’t seen what was right in front of her face. “I completely yelled at him. Even when he came all the way over to my store to make amends. Twice!”
“Yup, you sure did.”
Her head snapped to Lila. “Oh, gee, thanks for being so helpful.”
But of course Lila just giggled and shrugged, sipping her coffee smugly.
Dulcie flopped her head on her arms and groaned. “God, and last night he came over to congratulate me.”
“Yes, it would appear so,” Lila said.
Dulcie glanced up at her, not enjoying the self-satisfied expression one bit.
Her phone vibrated. She glanced at the text from Constance.
It’s happening again! 9-1-1!
Dulcie sighed. Of course, it was a dream come true to have the shop so busy, but at this rate she would flunk out of grad school faster than butter melted in the microwave.
“Wowza, that’s awesome!” Lila said, peering over her shoulder. “You better get going.”
“But…,” Dulcie said, looking around in a panic. “What am I supposed to do about Nick? And what about class?”
Lila shrugged in her usual nonchalant manner, like she didn’t have a care in the world. “You’ve got all day cooking to think about what to say to Nick, and class can always wait. Lord knows I’m in no rush to get to mine.”
Dulcie’s mouth dropped open. “This is my mother’s money I’m wasting if I flunk out of college.”
She raised one eyebrow. “And your mother’s legacy you’re carrying on with the candy shop.”
Dulcie scoffed. Though she really didn’t have anything to say to that. She dialed. Five rings later, the other end picked up.
“Grams, the shop is going insane. I’m supposed to be in class in five minutes but there is no way they can handle things without another pair of hands.”
Grams sighed. “You know I can’t, Dulcie.”
“Seriously? Even in a life or death situation?”
Dulcie wished she understood her grandmother’s point of view, but they were in very much the same boat. She’d lost her daughter, but let’s not forget, Dulcie had lost her mother.
“I would hardly call this life or death,” Grams said. “Besides, I’ve got a yoga class.”
“So your yoga class is more important than my getting an education.”
“At my age, you’ve got to keep in shape or your health goes south in a heartbeat.”
Dulcie sighed. “Grams, you have buns of steel; I don’t think missing one yoga class is going to be the death of you.”
“Well, that’s how laziness starts.”
“So really, you still won’t come down?” She tried to sound as pathetic as possible.
“I’m sorry,” Grams said, her voice going kind of whispery and shaky.
“Whatever,” Dulcie said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Of course,” Grams said, her usual chipper self already coming back. Dulcie wondered how much of her chipperness was an act as she hung up.
“No dice?” Lila asked.
“I gotta go,” Dulcie said, dragging her bag off the table.
“See ya,” Lila said, looking mildly sorry for her.
The entire time Dulcie ran, her life choices kept rolling over and over in her mind. After yesterday, she had a bit of a hard time swallowing the point of the business classes. She already ran a business. And the one class she thought would help, the marketing class, seemed to be lost in the dark ages. If Jess hadn’t proven that yesterday, Dulcie didn’t know what would.
Still…she’d promised her mother, and Grams would never give up the rest of the college money for anything besides tuition. She’d given Dulcie’s mom her word, too. Of course, who knew how long the busy spell at the shop would even last. Dulcie could be back in class tomorrow, and given what she’d learned so far, she probably wouldn’t have missed much.
When she turned the last corner,
every thought in her brain came to an immediate halt. A lineup snaked halfway down the street! At first she thought some new cell phone must have been released at the electronics store a few doors from the shop, but upon further inspection, her jaw pretty much hit the sidewalk. The line began at the door of Candy Land Confections.
She almost pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.
And then the panic set in.
The shop was busier than yesterday’s big reveal, even in the middle of a weekday!
She picked up the pace, running past the line to the back entrance.
“Hey,” Jess yelled as Dulcie fled toward the door.
“Hey, Jess,” she replied, out of breath.
Dulcie was about to sneak into the kitchen when an idea stopped her. She turned back to Jess. “Can you cook?”
She furrowed her brow. “A little, why?”
“You want a job for the day?” Dulcie asked, raising her eyebrows.
Jess’s expression was one of shock, but she quickly recovered and shrugged. “Sure,” she said, but seemed more than a little ecstatic for something to do.
“Come on, then,” Dulcie said, waiting for her to gather her stuff and shove it into the store so no one would come along and steal it. Not that she had much to steal, mind you, but Dulcie knew that when you hardly own anything, losing even the smallest item would be devastating.
Dulcie hated to admit it, but before she’d gotten to know Jess, she had a very specific idea of what a homeless person was. Sure, they were all down on their luck for whatever reason—many tragic, valid reasons—but she was ashamed to say she had this preconceived notion they would be dirty and never find anywhere to wash up or anything, or for that matter, even care about their appearance. But Jess was one of the cleanest people Dulcie knew. Jess had told her one day the Laundromat was one of her favorite hangouts. It made a lot of sense, especially since she had a part time job, which afforded her a few necessities like doing what little laundry she had, plus it was a nice warm place to hang out for a lengthy amount of time. Dulcie never questioned her about where she showered or anything, but Jess always looked as good as anyone.
Dulcie was sure if she told her customers she had a homeless person making their candy, they might have some of the same reservations as she did a few months ago, but she had no problem letting Jess in her kitchen, and proving her right, Jess immediately put on an apron and hairnet and washed her hands.
“Well, you’re easy to train,” Dulcie said.
Jess shrugged. “I’ve worked in a kitchen before. Not one as nice as this, mind you, or with as good of a product, but I’ve worn a hairnet or two in my day.”
“Perfect,” Dulcie said, hauling out ingredients for some of the new flavors.
“Thank God you’re here,” Constance said, bursting into the kitchen. “When is Ava supposed to get in? The customers are restless. Not that it will help until you make some more candy… I might have to start slowing down soon so we don’t run out before you’re finished.”
“Whoa, calm down,” Dulcie said, unable to hide her excitement, even though Constance’s face was filled with panic.
Dulcie had to admit, she was glad to hide out in the kitchen while Constance was the one to deal with the onslaught out front. She calmly flipped on the jazz station and ripped into a bag of sugar. “The truffles only take fifteen minutes if we use the flash freezer to help them set. We’ll make a big batch and get to work on the rest at the same time. Should have a good supply in an hour. Ava’s not here until after lunch, but Jess will help. Once we get caught up back here, she can come behind the counter if need be.”
The weight of the world released from Constance’s shoulders. “You’re a good businesswoman, kid,” she said, shooting Dulcie a half smile. It was all she could muster under the circumstances.
As Dulcie showed Jess some of her tricks of the trade, her mind wandered. Even though the buzz would probably die down sooner rather than later, she daydreamed about how perfect her life would be if things continued this way.
She could postpone school for a while. No doubt Grams would keep the college money safe and sound until things got a little more under control at the store. Except…that would mean throwing away a whole semester’s worth of tuition, and how could she do that to her mother?
Of course, a girl could dream, couldn’t she? And take full advantage of a situation, right?
And that’s just what she did…until her mind wandered to a certain jazz playing guy, and then her mood darkened.
It didn’t last long, though. Jess and Dulcie had a fabulous time breathing in all the smells of their creations, grooving to a little jazz, and talking about everything under the sun. No matter how exhausted Dulcie was by the end of the day, she found the energy to appreciate how perfect it had been.
Of course then she had to go and sit down, finding a few short minutes to eat and think of how she’d screwed everything up with Nick.
“Take him over some of the new candy,” Lila said, keeping Dulcie company in the kitchen the next day after her classes. “That’s what he said he came here for.”
After all that had happened yesterday and the day before, Dulcie hadn’t even bothered going to class—which was a good thing, since the new Candy Land craze had certainly not dried up yet.
Having stayed at the shop through the morning, though, and with Jess helping both in the kitchen and out front, things had gone much smoother.
Especially for Constance.
“I can’t just waltz into How Sweet It Is.”
“Why not? He waltzed into Candy Land.”
Dulcie sighed. “Don’t you think I should make a grander gesture than bringing him some candy? Besides, won’t everyone gawk at me like I’m some sort of traitorous wench if I walk in with one of our treat boxes?”
“Traitorous wench. Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking.” Lila gifted Dulcie with her usual eye roll. “Look, if he can come over to your shop, you can go to his.”
She sighed. “The last thing I ever thought I’d do is step foot through the shop door of my mortal enemy.”
“Nick is not your mortal enemy.”
Dulcie shrugged. “His family is my family’s mortal enemy.”
“Don’t you think it might be time to hang up the outdated hatred? I mean, I’m sure your mother didn’t go around calling Nick’s family her mortal enemy.”
Dulcie thought about it for a second. “You know, you’re right; it was probably Grams. She does have a flair for the dramatic…”
“Exactly,” Lila said. “I bet there isn’t even a reason for any of it other than some friendly competition getting a little out of hand.”
“I wouldn’t call mass producing and lowball pricing a little out of hand.”
She tilted her head and nodded. “You guys aren’t even running the same business model anymore, though. Maybe they aren’t even really competition. You cater to the more refined crowd.”
Dulcie knew Lila was only humoring her and trying to make it less weird to go over there. Sure, things were busy at the shop at the moment, but once the customers had enough of the new flavors, they’d all go flocking back over to How Sweet It Is.
It would take a lot of mental fortitude to slink through those doors.
But Dulcie kept thinking Nick might just be worth it.
His love of jazz, how he understood about family business and candy…and of course the more obvious, the way his jeans fit so well and the way his smirk was just so maddeningly adorable. It wasn’t as if someone like that came along every day…and Dulcie would know if he did, because Lila would have pointed him out.
Of course, Nick might never speak to her again.
They’d finally seemed to be able to get a solid supply of the new flavors on the shelf, so Dulcie snuck out for a break, candy in hand, and her guts pretty much trying to pry their way through her throat.
Ten minutes later she pulled up in front of How Sweet It Is.
minutes after that, she pried herself from the protection and anonymity of her car.
She pushed through the front door and the smell hit her hard. A familiar sugary scent, sure, but something artificial tried to fight its way past her nose, boring directly into her brain, a cross between mouthwash and black licorice, but very, very strong.
A couple other customers were in there, but they seemed to be picking things out and getting them to the counter to pay as quickly as possible.
Chalk one up for Candy Land, she thought.
“May I help you?” someone asked from behind the counter.
She’d been so busy gawking at all the candy she hadn’t even realized the girl noticed her.
She blinked back into reality, her brain swirling from all the colors, smells, and textures. The candy was piled up on the shelves all the way to the high ceiling—a far cry from her quaint little shop. She couldn’t figure out if the mass amount of inventory was a good thing or a bad thing for her. Good if the candy got stale sitting so long…bad if they actually sold this much candy every day.
She tried to focus on the first thought, choosing to believe quality would always win out over quantity. Of course, she also tried to ignore the large amount of staff, their very professional uniforms, the gleaming shelving units…all way out of the realm of possibility for her store.
“Um, yeah, I was er…looking for Nick?” she said, her smile as friendly as she was able to muster given the circumstances.
“Oh, sure,” the girl said, though her face fell when Dulcie plopped her Candy Land Confections box up on the glass counter, along with her elbows. The girl pointedly drew Dulcie’s attention to the Please do not touch glass sign approximately two feet from her face, then eyeballed her like she’d stolen her puppy or something.
Dulcie removed the box and hung it shamefully by her side. She didn’t know if the girl was more upset by the elbows or the candy box.
Luckily, she had no way of knowing Dulcie wasn’t some customer sampling goodies from both stores. Oh yeah, except for the little matter of her logo-clad jacket.